Friday 28 February 2014

Kinderville dishes

Kinderville are silicone food storage and serving wares.  They are dishwasher, refrigerator and microwave safe. BPA, Phthalates and lead free!  These are all attributes that lead me to make this purchase.

I've bought other chemical-free dishes and they work well, but with the option of putting it in the microwave (yes, I know: bad mother! hehe), these were the only ones I found.  And yes, I know some companies will say you can, but they are not chemical-free.  I put food in the microwave now and then, but wouldn't take the chance of putting it in any serving ware.  I personally don't trust the melamine plates etc.  ok, this was the chemical-free part, now let's move on to functionality!

I've personally purchased the bowls and the cups.  First of all, I'm loving the colours, these are sooo cute! So I use the bowls for practically anything, so as a plate or a bowl, etc.  The cups are light weight and easy to grab with the indentations on the sides.  My little one loves them and can use them by himself.  the soft silicone is also great as he chews on it sometimes (no horrible teeth sound!!! hehe) and it doesn't mark the floor if it falls or anything.  I also see it as a cup that will grow with him.

In conclusion, we've been loving what we've used so far and we're looking forward to getting more products of theirs as our baby grows older (sandwich pouch and storage jars).  We personally purchased our dishes on


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