Wednesday 23 April 2014

Love Child Organics purees

When we first started Baby-Led Weaning (BLW), like a lot of other mothers, I was wondering what we could give our son for breakfast.  The usual baby breakfast is that baby cereal that you spoon feed, right?! couldn't give that.  How about adult cereals? well... either they're full of sugar or full of fibers, which neither are very good for a baby!  So how about fruits? sure, good idea, but baby needs something more... So we came up with toasts!  I couldn't put peanut butter, so thought of making a version of jam : fruit puree!  I would make my own without sugar or anything else besides fruits (just like puree-fed babies' moms do... I would imagine!).  So not being used to always making purees, and with baby eating more and more quantities, I quickly realized that I needed something to save me on the days where I didn't have time to make the puree.  That's when I turned to Love Child Organics purees!

I had heard of them on Dragon's Den and then a friend of mine also used them a few times.  These are not only organic, but are also full of real foods with no artificial preservatives, sugars, sodium or fillers.  The pouches are BPA-free and so easy to use.  These are just as simple and as basic as it gets!  Plus, another thing I love, is that they are conscious about offering the right foods!!! They've incorporated superfoods in the different mixes, like kale, spinach, quinoa and blueberries!  I also enjoy that they have a big variety, unlike other brands that do pouched organic purees.  As well, they have a line with yogurt and ancient grains in them!  Gluten free and all! Very nice!  They recommend 8months for the ones with yogurt, but from our local dietician, it's 9months for dairy products... just thought I would mention it, just doing my due diligence here! hehe

Now, from the OT in me: I loved the pouch part! after my LO was done with his toasts, I would give him the rest of the pouch directly in the mouth and he loves the puree so much that he would get impatient, so he started sucking it out on his own! I got so excited, as he was learning new skills! hehe  He's not squeezing it out just yet, but just the fact that he can suck it out on his own (although sometimes needs a bit of help holding the pouch), is super, I think!  Since then, he seems to suck the water out of his straw cup way more easily! Awesome! Voila: here's another trick for you mamas out there to get baby sucking on a straw!

One more thing: I know this doesn't really go along the lines of BLW (Baby-Led Weaning), but when my son was sick last week and the toasts seemed to bother his throat, he took the puree fine.  From a mom's point of view, knowing that if he doesn't eat his meal, I have something to fall back on (because again, I don't have many options, as I CAN'T feed him with the spoon... not that I'm a BLW purist here, but because he refuses to be spoon-fed, ...unless it's yogurt!), is priceless! you have to choose your battles, right?!

So I personally bought some a bit ev'rywhere! Snugglebugz is a good online resource.  For local, they have them at Walmart (I think on sale right now!), Superstore, Target, etc.

Thanks for reading!


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