Saturday 5 April 2014

My Brest Friend nursing pillow

As I'm done breastfeeding, now for almost a week, I feel a bit saddened by it and chose to write about my nursing pillow today... my brest friend, best friend, breast friend for the last 10 months!

I got this pillow second hand from a friend.  I had heard a bit about it, but no more then that. Got it for free and figured I would give it a try!  Washed it beforehand and I thought it was tough to put the cover back on, but then again, wash after wash, it still looks good, fits good and doesn't look used: this is quality!  These were my first impressions of the product... couldn't really give it a twirl more then that back then with my big belly, right?!?! hehe

As soon as we got home from the hospital with baby, I adopted the pillow and loved it.  I'm tall in the torso (shirts are usually not long enough and all that jazz), so I took the habit of using a small travel pillow on top of the nursing pillow for added comfort and support.  The only thing that was a challenge at first was getting the pillow around my waist and snapped on, with a baby in my arms!! quite tricky!! but as I'm sure you mamas out there have learned, like me: we can now do ev'rything with one hand!!! hehe so I quickly got the whole thing down to do it on my own.  Enjoyed the help my husband would give me when he was around, but I could do it by myself quick enough.  The other thing was that after the pregnancy and labor, my lower back took a few weeks to feel better and that extra cushioning in the back bothered me.  Being an OT, I was all planned on how to remove it, but not structurally ruin the pillow and so on!  Hehe But I quickly realized that the pillow in the back had a reason for being there and taking it out would give me bad posture and that the extra cushioning in the back was really helping me!! Silly me, I should've known that before!!! I guess sleep deprived and mommy brain-ed me took over!  So after a few weeks, I realized how comfortable it was and how perfectly thought-through it was made!  My husband even used it at first to get the extra support to hold our little one to fall asleep.... oh and he so often fell asleep on it!  Needless to say, it was comfortable for him and for me!

Besides the whole support pillow, they've made it so it can be practical in other ways, like a little pocket to put a few things in (for me, it was extra facecloths for spit up or any spills) and a keychain ring, where you could hang a toy, probably.  The buckle is also a quiet one, so it needs to click a few times, but doesn't wake baby up, if needed.   There's also the option of velcro on other models.  Personally, I would adjust the whole strap pretty much ev'rytime, but that's just me and how I felt I wanted the pillow to fall at that point in time!

I've tried other nursing pillows, although not a bunch, and couldn't get used to them after having used this one!  It truly worked wonders for me!  I got mine as a gift, but I saw them at my local retailer, Ana Banana.  Depending what you need the company also has one for twins and an inflatable one for traveling! Getting an extra cover might also be worth it.  We never got around to buying one...don't know why!

Thanks for reading!


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